Plan for the things you know and Insure against the risks you don't.
With dozens of carriers in your corner, you can sleep well knowing you are covered. Learn MoreCommon Business Risks
Liability of Being Sued
In the event of a lawsuit, without insurance, your business could very well go under, even if you win the case.
Employee Health
Employees today seek benefits that support their physical, emotional and financial wellbeing and grow with the changing needs of their families.
Natural Disasters
In the event of a natural disaster, if your business is not insured, it could be physically destroyed without the financial ability to be repaired.
Property Damage
Your assets are required for your business to operate. In the event of damage, you want your equipment operational quickly and with minimal delay.
Cyber Attacks
The ever growing global digital world is a ripe environment for becoming a victim of cyber criminals. You need cyber protection that evolves with these ever growing threats.
Human Capital
Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory for businesses with employees, but there are other insurance coverages you can get to mitigate your risk as an employer.
RiseWell Risk Solutions
We provide comprehensive solutions to mitigate your risk and keep your business running.
General Liability Insurance
Protects your business if a third party or their property is harmed as a result of your business activity.
Who needs it: All businesses. May be required by a landlord or contractor.

Professional Liability Insurance
Protects your business if a client accuses you of making a mistake or giving them bad advice. This is also known as errors and omissions.
Who needs it: Businesses that provide services for a fee. May be required by law or industry regulation.

Cyber Liability Insurance
Financial product that enables businesses to transfer the costs involved with recovery from a cyber-related security breach or similar events.
Who needs it: All businesses ussing technology to accept, transfer or store data.
Workers Compensation Insurance
Protects your business if an employee is injured on the job.
Who needs it: Businesses with employees. Required by law in most states.
Group Health Insurance
Employees maintain better when we remove the economic barriers of co-pays and increase the availability and flexibility of care.
Who needs it: Most business competing to retain and recruit talent. Minimal essential coverage required by law for +51 employees.
Business Interruption Insurance
Protects your business it it can’t generate revenue for a period of time.
Who needs it: Most businesses with recurring expenses.
Commercial Property Insurance
If your manufacturing or retail space, office, or assets like equipment or inventory are damaged and need to be repaired or replaced.
Who needs it: Businesses with owned or rented space or a significant amount of property. May be required by a landlord.
Commercial Auto Insurance
Protects your business if you’re in an auto accident while working or in a company vehicle.
Who needs it: Businesses that use vehicles in their operations. May be required by law.
Product Liability Insurance
Protects your business if a product you manufacture, distribute or sell causes harm.
Who needs it: Businesses that manufacture, distribute or sell physical products.